Monday, January 30, 2012

What is the common ancestor between plants and animals?

And do you think, if given enough time, plants from today would eventually evolve brains? Why or why not?

What is the common ancestor between plants and animals?
That stuff you're smoking is probably it.
Reply:This is why evolution does not solve all issues. There are to many missing links.
Reply:i dont know but it is phytoplankton or maybe just amoebas and i dont think that plants will eventually develop brains as of the sun is their brain naturally
Reply:They live in an environment where they don't need to evolve brains they have other parts that allow them to adapt to their environment it's like saying how come humans can't make their own food, well we don't have to so why would we. As for common ancestor i think it's bacteria
Reply:The common ancestor was probably that one beginning cell that just started deviding and deviding to create life.

But as for brains, it is highly doubtful. I mean, they have had from the beginning of time to evolve something that even slightly resembles a brain and they have not. I think trees think there is no reason that they need a brain so why evolve to get one?
Reply:I would say a common ancestor between plants and animals would be a paramecieum. It's the most common and basic form of life we have. It's entirely possible it evolved into another organism and through millions of years (it's said that it took 700 million years for life to start on Earth) of evolution, up pop plants and animals.

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