Monday, February 13, 2012

How can I get the greatest yield from my tomato plants?

I live in Las Vegas and am growing tomato plants in containers. I need to know what I should feed them to get the greatest amount of sweet tomatoes. Also, how often should I water them? The temp here is already in the high 70's low 80s and will only get warmer. I have beem watering every other day but one of plants has wilty leaves that are soft to the touch not dry and brittle. Is this a sign of over-watering or a plant disease?

How can I get the greatest yield from my tomato plants?
In my experience, tomatoes (and peppers) have a hard time producing flowers when temperatures are in the 90's and above, common in my border area of Texas. EarlyGirl variety works for me because I can put it out in late January in containers and it will produce within 50-60 days, usually before the excessive heat hits. I also plant another variety (Homestead) that will tolerate heat somewhat better, but takes longer to produce. In my yard I plant them where they get a good amount of morning and early afternoon sun, but where the sun is shaded by trees in the mid to late afternoon. Plant the tomatoes deep, remove the two first leaflets and pile the dirt that high around them. Be sure they get tomato food supplement as recommended on the box, expecially in poor soil (we have heavy clay so mostly I keep them in containers). Daily watering is a must in a dry, hot climate. (By the way, if you experience a broken piece, it will root again in water). Your drooping plants may be caused by a tiny parasite, spray them with a mild solution of dish detergent and water (you can add a bit of chili powder to the mix as well), be sure to get the bottom side of the leaves as this is where those pests live. A telephone call to your local county ag agent can also provide some helpful answers. Hope this helps.
Reply:1. Get a moisture meter so that you don't over water

2. Theres a Tomoto Tone fertlizer 4-6-6 1 tsp once a month
Reply:Hopefully the containers have drainage holes. You can add to the sweetness of the tomatoes by watering with a mixture of Coke (coca-cola) and water. The sugar in the coke helps a lot. Do not use DIET. You can use generic brands as long as it is not diet.

I've done it for several years and enjoy the tomatoes. I learned it from Jerry Baker, the natural Gardner on TV.

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