Monday, February 13, 2012

What are some fruiting plants that can be grown inside the house?

What are some fruiting plants that either don't need pollination, or are easy to pollinate for growing inside of the house?

What are some fruiting plants that can be grown inside the house?
You can grow several of these inside:

cucumber -Will produce loads of fruit when grown in hanging baskets or patio containers. Tasty cukes are straight and 5-8" in length.

potato tree-Shrubby ornamental with 2" star shaped flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink and white. Very ornamental plant that should be grown for its appearance. Fruits are small and oval shaped.

Vietnamese Hot Pepper-A very hot pepper used in Vietnamese cooking that can be grown inside or outside. A very productive plant that will load itself down with 1-1?" thin red, fiery hot peppers

Baby Finger Carrots -Excellent sweet carrot for fresh eating or cooking. Produces uniform, slender carrots that are harvested young for "baby" carrots. Needs containers at least 18" deep.

Thai Eggplant -Very unusual and delicious eggplant from Thailand that is about 2" round and is green on top, splashed with white on bottom.

Shunkyo Pink Radish-4-5" long cylindrical, deep pink radishes with a flavor that is both hot and sweet. Long pink stems are also edible and often pickled and used in stir-frys. Can be grown through-out the year in large, deep containers.

green seoul Chinese cabbage-A Korean version of the popular loose leafed cabbage used in Chinese cooking. This Cabbage is good for stir frys and Kimchee pickling. A fast grower that can be container grown.

Chinese mizuna-A vigorous leafy vegetable used in stir frys, pickling and salads. Can be grown year round. The more you cut and harvest off this juicy, well flavored vegetable the more it produces.

BABY EGGPLANT-A new mini vegetable. Plants are compact and bear loads of miniature fruit that can be deep fried whole. One of the new rages in miniature veggies. Perfect for container raising. Fruits are very tasty.

JAPANESE BUNCHING ONION-This evergreen variety of bunching onion is the one most often used in stir frys. The plants produce perennially and are winter hardy. You should start seeds 4-8 weeks inside before transplanting in garden.

There are so many of them, I just can't go on. Check out the source below. You can order many of these online. Good luck.
Reply:Tree's need pollination to produce fruit. Inside that can't happen unless you do it and that's a lot of work.There are miniature orange trees that are just for show, but again there's a reason trees don't produce fruit for a few years after planting. They need to get established also there's the little issue of size. Unless you have a large greenhouse this might be a little daunting. Sorry to be a downer.
Reply:There are a lot of fruiting plants that can be grown inside or in a pot. Look on for fruits and veggies that you are interested in, I have found a lot of different plants that could be grown inside that produce yummy things to eat.
Reply:anything can be grown in greenhouses if there is enough space and proper conditions. look for plants with wind pollination they you can just have a fan to pollinate the plants.

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