Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What potted plants work best in a desert climate?

OK, besides cactus! I live in Las Vegas and would like some plants out on the patio, which gets full sun during the day. I keep the basil and other herbs inside, they just get fried over the summer. If I do have to go with cactus, please give me some care and feeding tips, and which variety to look for.

What potted plants work best in a desert climate?
There are succulents that might work especially agave and sedums. If you grow them in pots mix 1/3 potting soil, 1/3 sand and 1/3 small gravel for potting mixture. Make sure you have some gravel on the bottom of the pot at least 2 inches and elevate it a bit so if you get a deluge the plants do not drown. The soil mixture is good for cactus as well.

Ask your county extension service for recommendations as well.
Reply:i would go to and look for what zone your'e in and then search for plants by your zone. it's a great web site and you can order directly from them.

Good luck.

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