Saturday, February 11, 2012

Does my 90 galon aquarium need more plants and rocks?

I have mainly neons, and some mollies, and guppies. I would ideally want as few plants and rocks as possible. But will lack of plants and rocks be detrimental to the fish?

Does my 90 galon aquarium need more plants and rocks?
The fish you named don't need a lot of plants. If by rocks, you mean decorative rocks, then they don't need a lot of those either. I would recommend that you use 1 - 1 1/2 inches of substrate and "gravel" is easier to maintain than sand (but sand can be used).
Reply:In a tank that large,cover should not be a problem,however your pets will be more secure,and behave in a more "natural" manner if there is some form of hiding place.
Reply:Plant the back and leave the front open for swimming
Reply:They dont need much plants but the rocks there has to be 1 pound of rocks to the gallon. No it wont detrimental the fish.
Reply:no put some but not all rocks towards the back of the tank more than you did in the front (it'll make the rocks look equal because it's mainly an illusion but seriously it'll look better).

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