Saturday, February 11, 2012

How often should I water my house plants?

I'm a notorious plant killer, but I still love having them. I just bought a bunch of new house plants. Im not sure what kind they are, but generally, how often should I water them? Ive been watering them every wednesday. Should I water them if the dirt is still slightly damp, or should I be waiting til the dirt is completely dry before I add more water?

How often should I water my house plants?
actually it depends on the plant, some plants need to stay moist all the time, some need to dry out before watering. the plant should have come with some directions, if not, look them up in the internet and see what kind of care the plant needs...water, light, plant food, etc. some plants even need a light misting or their leaves cleaned with mild soap and water.
Reply:in every two days
Reply:once a day in the morning is enough...=)
Reply:you should water them once a week,my grandmother used to talk to her plants she said it helped them grow LOL.
Reply:Once a week should be fine. You can buy fake birds that you stick in your flower pots at Walmart that chirp when your plants need water.

horns costume

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