Saturday, February 11, 2012

Some plants are capable of carrying out photosynthesis in their stems as well as their leaves. How would you p

Some plants are capable of carrying out photosynthesis in their stems as well as their leaves. How would you prove that one is such a plant?

Some plants are capable of carrying out photosynthesis in their stems as well as their leaves. How would you p
If the stem is green.
Reply:Insome species such as the cactus, the stem, is the main site for photosynthesis. The leaves are converted to non-green spines and the branches to non-green areoles.

The presence of chlorenchyma in the stem would identify whether or not the stem can carry out photosynthesis. Chlorenchyma cells are parenchyma cells that contain chlorophyll and can thus carry on photosynthesis.

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