Saturday, February 11, 2012

What are the best plants (preferably perennials) to deter cats from spoiling the garden?

Preferably plants that will grow at the base of a hedge where the cats come and go to the next door property.

What are the best plants (preferably perennials) to deter cats from spoiling the garden?
There aren't any plants that will deter cats from coming into your garden, I'm afraid there is not a lot you can do other than placing the likes of rose clippings around your plants to stop them from digging them up.
Reply:I had this problem with cats fouling on my new lawn ,

I bought a couple of those windmill things you buy at the sea side and put them in a row length ways on my lawn ,

They have kept the cats away apparently its the noise of them they don't like

I don't care how they work but they do
Reply:Pepper. Sprinkle pepper where you don't want the cats to "do". Redo it after each rain. It doesn't hurt the cats.
Reply:i don't know about plants...but mothballs will discourage them from coming into an area. They don't like the odor. However, be aware these are toxic to domestic animals and if you have pets of your own who consume them, they may die. Typically dogs would only be dumb enough to chew on them - LOL
Reply:get some roses they have spikes on them so i dont think any cat will go near them.
Reply:No plants will stop them. Is the hedge thin at the base? If so, then you are trimming it wrong. Hedges should be trimmed to be wider at the base and narrow at the top which encourage thick lower growth. See hedge link below.

You will need a barrier like the "Cat Scat" below, leave the spikey bits above ground. However they will likely just find a different route. A more complicated solution is the "Motion Activated Sprinker" Aim it at the hedge and it will spray water on the cats as they come through, which will be very effective in persuading them to stay out of your yard.
Reply:Anything that has lots of thorns or spikes. Failing that a dog with a pathological hatred of cats works well.
Reply:Established plants and especially perennials are never bothered by my 4 cats. unless it's to nibble a few blades of tender ornamental grasses in the spring. What cats like is freshly dug earth, like that around newly planted annuals. If I have an area I want my cats to stay out of, like under your hedge, I merely stick pieces of rose branches in there way. RScott

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