Saturday, February 11, 2012

What are some plants that grow fast?

I want to help my children plant some plants that will grow fast and they can watch grow. I do not know which plants to use that may grow fast so that they can see results and be excited about them.

What are some plants that grow fast?
plant some seeds. pick some veggies that you all will like. not only will you be able to enjoy watching them grow , you will enjoy eating them together.its fun to watch them come up from seed .I didn't like Broccoli until I grew it ,its also a great way to get them to try new vegetables. : )
Reply:bamboo. it grows really really fast
Reply:Mints?...idk if they grow fast but enjoyable to chew on u a fresh feeling in your mouth
Reply:For flowers, sunflowers, zinnias, bachelors buttons, cosmos, alyssum and marigolds are all sturdy, vigorous and quick to sprout. They also make pretty cut flowers which the kids can bring to you out of the goodness of their little hearts. For vegetables, beans are a must as are lettuces. If you have a water source and full sun I would also recommend pumpkins, squash or gourds and cucumbers. Also sweet corn if you have plenty of room. Tomatoes and peppers are great but I suggest buying nursery grown sets for those.

If you are new to it start small so that it doesn't frustrate or disappoint any of you. With luck it will turn into a lovely positive thing the whole family looks forward to and enjoys.

Happy spring!
Reply:Beans and radishes.

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