Saturday, February 11, 2012

What plants to choose for the office?

The office has plenty of light, but a lot of desks and PCs. There is enough place for medium hight plants and small ones. I need some plants that will be easy to maintain, pollenless and growing more to the hight than to the wideness. Any suggestions? Thanx in advance!:)

What plants to choose for the office?
artificial plants need no maintaining and look great
Reply:Well I do not agree. Even if it doesn't need maintainance that wasn't an option, I love plants as living beens...If you have artificial plants in your office, than everything will be artificial and these plants were supposed to give some natural, wealth look and atmosphere to the office... Report Abuse
Reply:Corn plant, mother-in-law tongue
Reply:try a calathea they are a foilage plant and do not require alot of attention
Reply:Try African violets,Don't need much luck.
Reply:Aloe Vera - great plants!
Reply:Areca palms,dracenas are nice indoor plants.They also grow outdoors too., in case the green thumbs are too busy working.

Reply:you should get bamboo the are perfect the don't need sunlight or any special needs all they need is water

natural deodorants

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