Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What native plants in Sydney, Australia will grow in the shade?

I would like to have a nice pot near my front door but the problem is that it doesn't get a lot of sun, if any at all. I could move the pot to be in the sun but it would get the afternoon sun but not for very long.

Can anybody help me with some Australian native plants for the Sydney area that will tolerate this?

I have heard that Correas like shade but have also read that they prefer full sun, so I'm confused.

I would like something flowering.

Thanks for your input.

What native plants in Sydney, Australia will grow in the shade?
Lack of light is difficult to quantify without a light meter but if the area is not very dark as in not a southern exposure and it gets some partial light it is worth trying. The best thing about pots is that you can rotate them about so they spend a week or two at peak flower by your door then exchange them with another set that have been getting better light.

The term “half shade” when used to describe a plant’s needs means that the plant will do best in—or can withstand—sunlight for just half a day or about 4 hours. Some plants do best with only morning %26amp; evening light but will fry with noonlight. Moister soil helps plants handle more sun. Other plants can tolerate shade only if early or late and will be happiest with their light exposure at noon.

You may do well with Hibbertia (Trailing Guinea Flower) loves understorey shade like it was growing under gum trees but it will need a support trellis. Perhaps it can grow up into the light?

Running postman (kennedia prostrata) is a red pea flowered ground cover.

Mint bush in a variegated leaf form of Prostantheras ovaliflolia

Austrostipa ramosissima ( Australian Plume Grass )

Hebe 'Turkish Delight' has purple bronze foliage.

Correas. Try C. alba, C. pulchella forms %26amp; hybrids, C. glabra red %26amp; green forms, and Western Vic forms of Correa reflexa.
Reply:wow! YOur from Sydney Australia? That's pretty cool!

Are you in high school? Kangeroos and stuff?

Don't know about Syndney but here in Oklahoma we grow catsus in a pot. Those will take a lot of heat and they have nice blossoms.

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