Saturday, February 11, 2012

What plants should i put in my aquarium?

I have a 30 gallon tank with no plants right now. I have 2 fish in there at the moment. I was wondering what plants i should get and how many. I have a tropical tank by the way. Thanks in advance

What plants should i put in my aquarium?
Assuming you have the stock fluorescent lighting, which offers almost nothing to live plants, you're going to be fairly limited. If you upgraded to a T-5 system, or even just bough plant specific spectrum bulbs (between 5,500 and 6,700K), it would be a huge improvement. Regardless, Java Moss, Java Fern, Anubias, Water Sprite, Hornwort, Pennywort, and most Lilies (Nymphaea species), Crypts, and Aponogetons should work just fine.
Reply:Swords are good starter plants %26amp; Some Anubias are Nice %26amp; easy as well. Is where i used to buy all my plants from when I had aquariums.

rodeo buckle

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