Thursday, February 9, 2012

What types of house plants for my apartment?

I have medium light and was wanting something that would be easily maintained. Also I would like the types of plants that are best at purifying the air. Any suggestions?

What types of house plants for my apartment?
get a philidendrum..not sure on the spelling...they really dont need any light...and if you forget to water them and they get all wilty...just water them and they pop right back to life ..they also look good big green leafs...good luck
Reply:Flowering plants from nature will not do well unless they are complete shade plants. Indoor flowering plants that do well include Christmas cactus, seedum, orchids, and poinsettias - altho poinsettias need special treatment to get them to bloom - but they grow well. The best indoor plants are greens, which also do the best air purifying. If you're adventurous, try a bucket with veggie seeds. You can grow carrots, lettuce, etc if you don't try to start them in a flat, don't over-water and give them as much light as you can, maybe a sun lamp over them..
Reply:Great news: allplants help purify the air! Larger leaves will do the best job....

Scheffelaras and pothos are VERY easy to grow, as are many kinds of ivy.. with little light required.
Reply:Get easy to manage green plant. Provides plenty of Oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange. Also looks good and easy to manage.

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