Saturday, February 11, 2012

Does talking to your plants really help them grow?

Just bored and reading Garfield and wanted to know if talking to your plants really helps them grow. Lol most likely no.

Does talking to your plants really help them grow?
hey mammaw has a big green thumb and can get any thing to grow or come back to full health ,short of bein brown and dried up! lol...i asked her what her secret was and she said she talked to em'...she said well hun don't you realize that just like a kid plants like attention and care to!....i know it might sound crazy but i have tried it and have had some rather beautiful flowers and gardens due to it....either way give it a shot....what can it hurt?...if nothing else they will stay the same or they will get perkier! daisy
Reply:I've been gardening- flowers, shrubs, veggies, brambles- for the past 20 years and I talk to all of them. Okay, my husband just said to me that I occasionally yell at them "Grow Already!", which is true and it does seem to work (LOL).

A lot of people talk to their plants...just like furbaby parents talk to their cats, dogs, gerbils, birds, etc.
Reply:probably not but considering plants breath in carbon dioxide (what we exhale) to help in food production may it might give them a more ample supply.
Reply:My dog and I have a conversation with the plants every day. But, I am not sure if they fully understand the dog. They seem to respond well.

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