Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ready to put plants in my aquariums?

hi. i was wondering what steps to take when putting plants in my aquarium. Do i put the plants root in the gravel or in a pot of soil? How do i fertilize the plants, do i have to take them out to fertilize them?

Ready to put plants in my aquariums?
Regular aquarium gravel doesn't have the nutrients to support plants. You can either use a soil mix under the gravel (very messy) or use a substrate for plants such as Eco-complete. This is a volcanic rock substrate that supports plants and is pretty black, or you can put your favorite gravel over it. It needs to be pretty deep too, about 2 inches minimum. To fertilize, get a fertilizer for aquarium plants. You just add it to the water when you do partial water changes. There are root tablets also but I found them unnecessary. Get plants settled before you add fish and make sure you have plenty of light ( 2-3 Watts per gallon is the average).
Reply:Its best to use regular aquarium plants if they have no pot,just put roots under make the fertilizer I have never use any thing else,my plants are hugh and 2 years old.You will need the gravel at least 2 inches to stabilize the plants get them where you want and don't move them around too much,after they have rooted.Never use pot soil.They will need 6 hours of light.Light is key.Good luck!

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