Saturday, February 11, 2012

If I grab and shake my house plants, will that help them grow?

Just curious. The plants are tropical and don't get the excitement of the storms like regular wild plants. I thought about shaking them for a few seconds each day and wondering if that would help them grow better. What do you think?

If I grab and shake my house plants, will that help them grow?
I shake my trees and to help remove dead leaves,not hard but a little. but I think doing it every day may stress out your plant. furthermore you may make it go in to shock and it could possibly die. add plant food to encourage new growth.
Reply:ummm no. that's bad for plants. it rips their roots
Reply:I think that is a waste of time, and it will hurts the stems, or the roots of the plants.

If you want the plants to grow faster, maybe you shall spend some time and play some music instruments every day. or you should play some soft music radio for those plants. At least that is what I heard, like in the farm, people used to play music while they were milking the cow, or watering things. the scientists say the plants have a sense of hearing...
Reply:Tropical plants live in SPITE of storms, not because of them. Just take good care of them, and don't EAT any more of them - it's clearly affecting your thinking processes.
Reply:yes about as much a someone shacking you
Reply:I am going to call the authorities for attempted plant assault .
Reply:might not be a bad would also shift the soil a bit allowing for more spaces to open up where the roots can grow. I have heard (and seen) that when you put a bit of stress (like binding some of their branches down) on plants it'll make them work harder to stay alive then when you remove the stress it'll flourish!
Reply:actually, you're on to something.... but a little more gently, please..... touch, move the branches, pick off bad leaves, cause some movement of the plant DOES actually do good for it.... just like seedlings need the movement of air to grow strong enuff to be able to go outside and survive the winds, and how plants in their native environment brush against each other when the wind blows... and how a young tree is to be left enuff room in it's stakes to be able to move with the wind so it's trunk grows strong..... I inspect my garden about daily and even outside, will run my hands over the leaves and branches to hopefully 'stimulate them' as if another plant was beside them...... just don't shake the pot and the roots!!.... you are on your way to being a good gardener!!.....
Reply:uhmmm no that has about as much chance of making them grow as when I threatened mine to vacuum them up if they didn't grow.

They ended up in the vacuum...

**But seriously don't shake them it's really bad for there root systems. If they're not growing correctly look them up on the internet and you should find how to take care of them properly.
Reply:After shaking a plant, you MUST slap it and throw it to the ground. If this doesn't perk it up , kick it.

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