Saturday, February 11, 2012

What plants will keep the air in my home clean?

i heard if you keep plants in your home the air stays cleaner and they work as a deodorizer? what plants work good and are safe sround a 3 month old baby...and dogs...?

What plants will keep the air in my home clean?
Usually, the larger the leaf, the more O2 it produces. Check with your local nursery, and/or public library. Most plants sold as "house-plants" with not be damaging to you or they would not be sold.
Reply:Large leaf plants do feed off dirty air, not necessarily cleaning the air in the process....but Live plants do other good things in the house for us (MOOD) and with the terrible 2's around the corner it would be wise to keep an aloe vera around!
Reply:Plants do have many benefits. You will need an area with a lot of light. Not direct sunlight. I enjoy many, my African Violets are my greatest pleasure but a lot of work. Do be very careful about wich ones are safe I would research thourly since you have pets and children. A good start would be try growing some of your favorite herbs in your kitchen window. They woud be a natural air freshner. Whaen you walk by just a sweep of your hand and you can smell them. I enjoy Rosemary a lot of people don't cook with it but it is beautiful in you home.

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