Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why are my outdoor plants turning yellow/brown at the bottom?

I have a few different plants in my backyard which are planted in different places. 1 clematis, 1 large clump of white daisies, and some bushy perennial. They are all turning yellow and brown at the bottom and I don't know if this is a watering issue (lack of or too much?) or they need fertilizer? I also have a coral bark maple that seems to be more faded than my other coral bark maple and the leaves have turned brown on some branches. It basically looks like it's dying.

Why are my outdoor plants turning yellow/brown at the bottom?
They may be getting oversprayed on the bottom (close to the lawn) by fertilizer/weed killer!?
Reply:too much water
Reply:could be from the heat or not getting enough water
Reply:I have some yellowing hosta plants and its due to the drought conditions. Its hard to keep up the watering everyday here in central Ohio.

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